Short Circuit
Dunno why mum likes to do weird stuff nowadays. When i fall asleep she creeps into my room and set the temperature to 23° and lowest speed, then i have to wake up in the middle of the night sweating and irritated and switch back my preference. Weeeeiirrrrrd! Haha
I just realised i enjoy my work sometimes haha. I'm really glad i didnt end up in army (sorry to my army friends out there). Lucky have some nice friends at work. Everyday there's always interesting things happening.
Taufik came back for reservist during some primary school visit.
Having fun in the pool. Some spastic-ness ahead. BEWARE. Haha please excuse them, they are having tryouts for synchronised swimming Lol
The leg routine
The failed attempt 1
The failed attempt 2

The dolphin show
Olympics here we come! haha
The sun's being an ASS these few days. I can even sweat in the 8am-morning sun! (which is suppose to be the cool and breezy sunrise warm weather feeling) But then again when it rain, it pours! Which still sucks. Mother Nature's Wrath.
Karen has this new thing on her blog called "i didnt know that" some daily trivia thingy haha. The daily trivia for today is
Chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying. (Try it to believe it!)
Haha i said to karen:
joel doesnt like to choose says:
you're like the bottom of a snapple bottle cap
And by the way i dont cry when i peel onions at all! I always though it was a superstition or some gimmick haha, dunno bout you guys.
Ok thats it for today. Looking forward to meeting zhiwen and wanying and a likely dinner treat on sunday (:
Joel is a shy shit to ask HAHA