An Idiot
Joel is an idiot for not listening to james and karen. Lol i wished i could say i dont really care, but i still do. I got my own problems. Thanks again for hearing my laments =)
What a busy week man. Had quite a few stuffs to settle at work. Choir boys hard at work haha. Was suppose to have a rehearsal for the Germany preview on thursday night, but something else came up. Maybe i should have just went for that instead. Took leave on friday. Dunno whether it was worth it as well.
Met 杰姆思 and jonathan at night to watch Get Smart. Its another hilarious show haha. I dont know why we like to talk cock so much man. We can just go on for a few hours without getting tired haha.
We took NR5 back to my house. Their first Journey to the West lol. I think we were all too tired, cause the initially-not-going-to-sleep-the-whole-night us took turns to sleep in the end haha. And the fact that someone forgot to bring a certain cd causing us not being able to play something.
Jon zonked out at 6 plus while i survived until 7 plus before i caught "some=no" sleep before my piano lesson haha weaving in and out of consciousness James died when i went for piano at 9.
Next time dont watch movie until so late la! and someone better go and learn majong first before coming again haha. They left at 11 cause james the kuku lulu forgot he had rock and roll practice at 1030 lol.
Had my piano recital rehearsal at 330 at some ulu place. Was suppose to listen to the other pianist's repertoires, but ended up weaving in and out of consciousness again. Its an excuse, but i still blame not enough sleep for my shitty performance when i was my turn haha.
Dunno whats wrong with me. Any other human capable of straight thinking would have gone back home and have a good night's sleep. But nooooo, i had to be garang, i had to go out again haha. Went to PS to meet sam, heli and tan chun for dinner. I think it was the sleep deprivation, that i really started to act weird the whole night haha.

Was suppose to eat at some ulu restraunt near cathay, but i was too tired and hungry to walk that long. Ended up eating a looooong meal at cafe cartel, from 8 to 10pm haha. Mainly because of our singaporean instincts to wait til 9 to have the cake at halfprice lol.
Went back home with heli who now lives at bukit batok. So rare man finally having someone to go home with me in the same direction haha. Wanted to go online but failed haha the bed was summoning me.
Defination of a pig:
1. a young swine of either sex, esp. a domestic hog, Sus scrofa, weighing less than 120 lb. (220 kg.)
2. any wild or domestic swine.
3. the flesh of swine; pork.
4. a person of piglike character, behavior, or habits, as one who is gluttonous, very fat, greedy, selfish, or filthy.
5. Slang. a slatternly, sluttish woman.
6. Someone who sleeps for a total of 16 hours from 11pm to 3pm.
Lol and i still feel tired haha. Saw something in the afternoon that made me feel like an idiot. Lol no pun or other meaning intended for a certain overaged person in sYco haha. Telling j and k didnt really help alot cause i am still think about it right now. Dunno whether its because of it or just being too tired that made me really lose appetite for the whole day. I couldnt even finish half a bowl of rice for lunch and i practically didnt eat dinner, thats if you dont count staring at your food for 1 hour as eating.
Like i said before, i dont really care la. You can think what you want. Im ok with it. I rather you talk to me instead of ignoring me. I'm sorry for lying to you as well. And its because i know you'll never read this that im saying it here.
Anyway James, if you're reading this, you finally know what i was originally supposed to tell you on 7th of May haha. Not the other twisted version which i still dunno how it happened. Probably under the influence of the blanket and the stupid video haha. And for Wanying. if you're reading this, Wanying Rocks too! =)
My Third Promise to myself
Never more than 2 years
They're too unpredictable