Saturday, February 23, 2008
Light Duty
I cannot emphasise how boring it is to be on LD... an entire week of doing absolutely nothing can really get on someone's nerves... haha this week was one of the slowest passing weeks of all... i spent 80% of my time either sitting down trying not to fall asleep or talking cock with james...
Being sick and injured has its ups and downs... haha fever on tuesday night meant that i skipped hair cut! at least i get to feel more hair for the next 2 weeks before its being cut away... i can safely say i have the highest usage of tissue paper in HTA in the past week... 3 boxes, 600 plys of tissue wasnt enough for me to clear my tap-like nose... the skin around my nose is practically falling off and sore due to the constant blowing of my nose every few minute...
I dont know is it because i was on LD and not joining the squad with the marching and all, but i feel that the hype that was there last week isnt here this week... i hope thats not the case, since im the ic tml haha... nelson go and give some more prep talk! speaking of which you better take care of your chronic knee before you really become SA Tan haha
I just realised the amount of time we spend as NS guys... its equivalent to about 1440 hours, perspectively, in terms of sec sch or jc terms or spending an average of 6 hours with your classmates, its 288 days or 2 school years with my squad ppl in a period of 4 months haha
Nothing much happened in the week, except for the long and droning law lessons... i dont know how im gonna endure night classes for the entire week next week... better start studying and working those dormant brain cells of mine before they turn rusty...
Friday was a STUPID day for me... after booking out at 6 i was comtemplating whether to go for SYCO prac or to go home... in the end i decided to go for prac... and guess what... when i reached there, i found out that the prac was cancelled... how convenient for me... such a waste of time... haha and just when i was 3/4 on the way home, muzzy called to "remind" me bout meeting at orchard haha... so i wasted even more time travelling back and forth on the damned MRT... at least i got to meet muzzy darel fanglin and amelia... someone's mum was (quote unquote) being anal, so she couldnt make it... haha must make it next week man!
Saturday was an undescribable (if there's even such a word) day... haha met with my sister and cheryl at suntec... we were supposedly going for the NTU talk at the convection centre... haha and me and cheryl ended up walking around suntec while someone had to have her hair cut at that moment which lasted 90 minutes haha... in the end we only made it to bout 15 minutes of the business talk... met vera and gladys at room 207, and lots of other random ppl from vj and sec school and squad 2 ppl haha... went to walk around some more and debating where to eat dinner, cause the band ppl had to go practice... ate at crystal jade in the end while cheryl and someone went to "withdraw" money... i think someone wasnt too happy i was there la... haha feeling insecure... lol not as if i was a threat... attached already means i cant do anything, dont need to worry so much la... after the band ppl left, karen and i went on a money spending spree haha... we were walking around, around suntec, to marina, through millenia walk, trying to decide where to eat our dessert haha... in the end, we ended up at suntec arcade where i wasted $7 trying to win a handphone from one of the stupid machines haha... i was so close... must try again next week... went to nydc to have our well deserved dessert and to taiwan shihlin for her chicken and DF for my double chocolate... was a surprise when i met cedric and hazreen at marina gv haha... home meant a nice sleep!
OK time to polish my degraded unpolished-for-one-week boots for inspection tml haha...
See i know you wont bother to read until this far
Who say i wont talk about such stuffs
Dont confuse me
I rather you be straightforward (no pun intended)
Im a shy boy
11:49 PM
JOEL the lunatic (:
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Yet another week without a handphone... haha withdrawal syndromes are setting in day after day... i swear im gonna get a new phone soon, before i go crazy...
Whats new... oh nothing interesting, besides the fact that i now have a spine injury... lol haha tuesday's IPPT has taken its toll on me... im now Vegatable, Tortoise, Grandfather yada yada... just because i cant straighten my back doesnt mean im paralysed for like la! haha LD (light duty) has NEVER been so boring... at least i have james to talk to throughout the week, and for the following weeks as well i guess haha... we're the 2 slowest walking persons in HTA right now... to the extent that we gave up trying to go to the MESS to eat our food, cause by the time we walk there, get out food, the squad is either halfway thru or ready to go... so we decided to stay in our bunks and have the luxury of having our food sent to us haha... being wounded does have its advantages...
Its finally the time that our squad woke up and took everything seriously after someone's prep talk... i shall not mention his name to further boost his ego... haha... but seriously, i never knew our squad can make the sounds that we made for the past few days, banging together swinging together... i just HOPE it will be long lasting...
I have no idea guys can gossip so much until i came to NS... haha girls out there you better watch out... it takes only one mouth and one ear to make something private be known to everyone... anyway im mostly on the listening end haha
Went to watch Jumper with the guys on friday... SERIOUSLY its a MUST watch... its damn cool! Stupid james decided not to go kallang cage to join the others play soccer, so i had to go home after the movie as well...
Saturday is a day of waiting... i finally went to make a police report for my lost handphone... went to Jurong Division Headquaters, which was beside my house... hmm if i get posted there it would be so nice, just a 5 minutes walk from my house... anyway it doesnt feel so weird seeing guys in blue, since ive been doing that for 5 days... the counter person was like, when did you lose your phone, i said 1st Feb, and she was like, and today is 16th Feb? and i was like errr, yeah cause chinese new year bla bla excuses excuses haha... and the usual who's your oc squad dot dot dot
Went to TTSH (tan tock seng) in the afternoon to get the much awaited check on my spine... the good news - its not a slipped disc, the bad news - it might be chronic... chronic injury = forever... haha i was like wtf! in my head when i heard... haiz... im scheduled to see an orthodontist specialist 2 weeks later... i got 7 days MC and 14 days LD... but still going back today haha im not going to risk the chance of getting recoursed... oh man... please please let me get well!
The truth in the lies
9:58 PM
JOEL the lunatic (:
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Life is so meaningless without a certain device called the hand phone, the wonderful gadget that allows communication between person to person and entertainment within the small thing...
Ok ok im really talking cock here... no handphone has driven me NUTS! i really NEED to get a new handphone ASAP! Im deciding between the N81 and N82

I like the N81 design and the N82 camera... zzz actually right now i dont really care... i just want a HANDPHONE!
Anyway, a very Happy Chinese New Year to everyone! Gong Xi Fa Cai! Hope everyone gets lots of ang baos! yesterday dinner was...... erm.. how shall i put it...... decent... haha i started with an empty stomach and ended with an empty stomach... all the food so ancient! like dunno what yuan bao and sha cha rou haha... im officially DEAD beat now... slept at 6am watching tv, and i was crazy enough to go for a run just now... gave up half way... my leg and mind was too jelly and focused on sleeping...
AB is damn cute haha too bad my dear twin sister thinks that my taste ≠ her taste haha... i dont care what you say... if i had a handphone i will show you OK! haha but i still dont dare to you-know-what... i know what you're gonna say, so dont say it in the tagboard thank you very much haha
Meeting vera and darel tml (finally) for lunch den going to meet rameses ppl at night at debo's house... going out with cchmsco ppl on saturday to bainian if im not too tired, and probably going to karen's house on sunday before i book in...
3:24 AM
JOEL the lunatic (:
Sunday, February 3, 2008
My Handphone
I am officially depressed
Lost my phone last friday, so please dont call or sms me thank you
Besides the fact that i lost my handphone, nothing more interesting has happened over the past two weeks... last week was ok, i cant remember much already, except for SY orientation... its nice being in SPF rather den army, cause i got a gate pass which allowed me to go for the orientation... its been a long time since i saw the sy ppl, since new year countdown, so everyone was very excited and crazy... lol i wished i had my hair back back then more den ever... anyway the orientation was more of a talking cock/taking picture session den listening to what we have heard every orientation for the past 4 years... had to take a taxi back to HTA to make it for my gate pass which was at 930... lucky for me i reached on the dot, or suffer the consequences of being AWOL haha and the taxi fare was freaking $20...
Watched Cloverfield dunno which saturday haha and watched Atonement dunno which saturday as well... you kinda lost track of time in ns haha... had SY prac last monday it was... er.... a bit useless, playing 30 bars for 2 hours haha... this week in HTA couldnt be more slack... for one i have LD (light duty) for the ENTIRE week cause of my spine injury, so i didnt take ippt, no marching no swimming no pt... ultimate boredom!!! well it was alright while it lasted, doing nothing while watching my squad mates doing "stuffs" haha... went on a racial harmony tour on thursday for the whole afternoon... feels like being in primary or secondary school sia... haha went to some mosque, st peter and paul's church, sri dunno what temple, and buddha relic tooth temple... another excursion on friday afternoon, that's where i lost my phone... lol i was sleeping on the bus, den when i woke up i rushed down and dropped my phone... zzzzz i was totally sian throughout the tour at PHQ...
Next week's chinese new year!! and i JUST heard i got my first pay haha $670! cool shit! considering whether to buy a new phone with it... next week's gonna be a short week... 2.5 days in HTA... booking out on wednesday afternoon for a nice loooong break -)
You're just another temptation
1:01 AM
JOEL the lunatic (: