And so it came to past
I guess this is how the story ends
This time last week we were still worrying about law exams, cramming every last bit of information into our brains. All that didnt matter anymore. This week made me think alot about my squad and my life in HTA, and how i wish things didnt turn out as the way it did.
Last week, though hectic, was actually quite memorable. The 131 fit intake came on tuesday, and i met more people i didnt expect who had came police as well, especially a certain someone whom i still didnt manage to talk to after 3 years. Basically that was lik the only highlight of the week. The rest of the mornings were dedicated to the most mundane sessions in HTA, which was doing POP rehearsals. We complained and moaned and whined about it, but right now, how i wish i was still there doing that mundane drills.
Lessons were, surprisingly got more fun, maybe because we didnt have any at all. Instead, we were getting the benefit of our OC's knowledge and spending all the lessons enquiring questions, much to my delight (i didnt bother asking anything). So my lessons were spent either sleeping, eating or talking for 4 hours everyday.
Friday was our exam. As usual, my before-any-exams-performance-or-competition jitters came. Ma'am came to visit us to clarify any last minute questions, which proved extremely useful in the end. Finished it in 1 hour (the exam was 2 hours and 30 minutes) but i stayed until 2 hours triple checking my answers before leaving. And i've concluded that no studying was required, just alot of practice. Pretty satisfied with myself getting 89%.
And i just had to volunteer to help Ma'am collect all the notes and MCQs she ever gave us. It was quite a nightmare, considering how much she actually gave us. Managed to finish about 85% of it before giving up and leaving it there for the weekend.

Met James and Jonathan at Raffles City at 1030. The 3 Js decided to go Timbre but some clever sheep called James dont even know how to go there lol. We ended up going to Esplanade for a drink, where the first time in my life, i spent $7 for a glass of coke. Went (and walked) over to LPS to eat satay and talk cock and tell ghost stories until 3am (the irritating bell stroke 3). Took my first cab-after-midnight this year home, which was surprisingly only $24.
Woke up at 8 again to go for piano, which i spent half the time trying not to fall asleep, which i still did after breakfast, which i seriously needed if i'll have any chance of meeting Karen and Cheryl not looking like a zombie. Wanted to watch a movie, but ended up eating for a few hours as usual. And i almost died that night! I went down the bus going home, and i was looking at someone, while crossing the road, not looking to the right where a car was coming. Some kind soul screamed at me to stop while the car stepped on the break and stopped at the place i would be if i continued walking. Felt so paiseh with everyone looking at me.

Waraku's food is really little man
I dont know whats wrong with me la. I know i have to wake up early on sunday, but i still purposely choose not to sleep before 3am while playing my com. I still managed to wake up at 730, and met James and #$*&Ryan$%!@ at 9 to accompany James to church. Haha im sorry James, i really pity you. A good samaritan's plan ended up causing you eternal grieve. But seriously, "i went out to cry because i was too touched" and "i've made the right choice" almost made me wanna die laughing. Sorry couldnt stay for the second half of your torture, but i cannot tahan staying awake anymore.
Ok i hope nobody bothers to read until so far, cause this is when i start getting emo lol. When i went back to HTA, it seemed like any other week, with our schedule being POP rehearsal the entire week everyday. Little did i know that monday morning was the last time i'll ever see my squadmates ever again.
We were suddenly called to the parade square, where the entire 130th intake was sitting at the grandstand waiting for something big to happen, which did. As names and squads were being called down, we found out that we were going to be deployed as NPCOs, and packing our stuffs and going home that very same afternoon.
It was all just too sudden. We didnt even have time to say proper goodbyes to our OC, FI and each other, when they seperated us into our divisions. They didnt even give us ample time to pack our stuffs. A normal De-kitting which usually takes a few days to complete, with prior notification, came to become a 20 minutes mad pack to stuff 3 months worth of personal belongings into a bag which suddenly seems so small.
Our life in HTA ended just like that. With our POP cancelled, the most important part of NS life was taken away from us. I guess that was it. Since i didnt have any chance to say a proper goodbye then, i'll do it here.
Here were the guys who really made a difference in my life as a NSmen in the Police Force:

My BUNK 41 Fellow Butos!
Asyraf - What more can i say about the Craig David of our bunk. The guy that sleeps on my right, who talks with his sayang under his blanket every night, the guy who surprises us most by the random stuffs he does, such as polishing a bald head with his fingers. Rock on Craig!

Bo Wei - Our very own Comms IC and handphone charger lol. This DUDE sleeps right opposite me. This DUDE sits next to me in class. This DUDE is in the same division as me. What more can i say about this DUDE who has no respect for our FI? haha joking. Its a pity we'll never get to record another sleep talking or snoring moment from you anymore. Its ok, we still love you DUDE!
Da Wei - The KING Tao Gay of the bunk! The KING sex drive of the bunk! Words can never win videos :)
Fairdaus - BUTO HISUP REMBUT! The Champion of the bunk! The American wannabe. The why-so-serious you-should-relac-one-corner guy. And the oldest old man in our squad. Thanks for being in our bunk man. It would be very quiet without you.
FaizalILLAHI - The Bollywood Star of our bunk! Often the victim of static shocks in the classroom. 5 years, 10 years 20 or 50 years down the road, you can count on us, never, ever to forget your uniquely-you name! Illahiiii-yi, Illahiiii-yi yi yi, Illahii-er Illahii-er, Illahii-er yi-er yi-er yi-er (sung to the tune of Zombie)
Guo Hui - The Pride of the Bunk and the S-s-s-s-squad. Our center m-m-m-marker is undisputable the most recognisable person in the whole of HTA. Its always fun to see how FIs tease and torture you all day long. We'll always remember you. Pendek!
Izzat - The Prince Charming of the squad! And coincidentally the most thought-to-be shy person in the squad. Dont let his looks deceive you man. He's crazy in the bunk as well. Girls out there, you better watch out for him.
Kenneth - An invisible sotong. Haha everywhere he goes, he either sleeps or talks on the phone.
Nelson - The whole bunk is not enough to fill even one quarter of the EGO of this dude. The only person who (quote unquote) gives a fuck about the squad to do something about it in the beginning, but still gave up in the end. Never mind man, your egoness is just enough to make our bunk happy. Doesnt matter what else happens on the 4th floor.
And of course theres my 2 best buddies in police, the 2 Js.

You two make me jealous :)
Jonathan - Cock talking session begins with him. Haha although always kena suanned by you and James, taiwanese still RULES singaporeans! lol I believe that one day, you still be up there somewhere, looking down at us, taking care over us (sounds like you're dead or something man). Haha i mean the Air Force dude. Be a high flyer, so that i can still see you even though im in space, or even though im going to another planet when i go to China or Canada, travelling through the black space haha.
Retard Number 1
Retard number 2

Retard number 3

Retard number 4

The Korean wannabe retard

Like i said... Retard
James Chin Yong Sheng - You know you're special to me man! Haha too bad we'll never get a chance to tell the squad of our long history. But i guess it doesnt matter to me anyway. It was all your idea anyway haha. My LD mate, my running mate,my MO mate, my dojo torturer. Too bad 7th of May is never going to come man. Some stuff are just not meant to be known, and I guess you'll never know. Haha maybe if you loose 5kg then i'll tell you. Anyway thanks for being here for each other man. Life in HTA would have been really boring without you, our frequent MO trips, our gossiping sessions, our affinity for the letter "C", someone's impersonation of someone else in sms, and our hide and seek game in the toilet lol. The Commisioner of Police would be so proud of the last one haha, and i'll remember that moment for life.
And to all my other Squad 1 mates who i didnt mention, i'll never forget you guys!
Life outside in division cannnot be compared to life in camp man. Wish i was back in camp where everything is taken care for us, and we just have to wake up everyday and follow orders. I really miss those days where we just sleep and eat and talk cock in the bunk, not caring whats happening outside. And i thought division was gonna be tough. I was wrong. Its terrible! My first day and night shift totally took the life outta me. And my first off was spent entirely on sleeping and nothing more. MSK! Please show yourself!
If only you asked again
But in such a manner that i can answer
Without making you freak out
I miss my bed in 41