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Thursday, October 30, 2008


I cant resist putting this. I couldnt stop crying for like 5 minutes when i read it down on and on lol. Got this from hong qing.

A difficult meal

Other children are ok

Flavour from the heart

I told gramps to use protection


We'll never know what kind

I wouldnt DARE

Thank you for open

How do you do?

No crack?

Yeah, cheated out of breathing


Haha tell me if this made your day as it did mine (: x2


8:57 AM

JOEL the lunatic (:

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


(: x2 haha today is smile day. Make your friend smile and put a smile on your own face (:

The accents are seriously lmao haha. Put a smile on your friend's face today! (:

I think i talk too much (: x2

8:58 AM

JOEL the lunatic (:

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Fresh Air

Stairways to heaven lol

Whew! Finally able to take a breather after a crazy week! POP finally ended on friday. Finally no more of THIS

Time for my sore and blistered hands to heal (:

I need to stop my spending spree NOW haha. Went out with karen saturday to go warehouse sale. Bought Topman shirt and jeans, then desperate karen wanted to buy her jacket, so we went VIVO to find, in the humongous adidas shop there. We ended up in NUM where i bought a pair of slippers instead.

I swear we didnt set this up lol the middle is karen's car, we parked with 2 different cars, when we came back, it was a nice traffic light arrangement (:

Then met rameses ppl at night, with zzy sidney tracy deborah, at MOF marina. Ate like crazy again. Total expenditure for the day: $155 ):

Went out today with invigour ppl, darel muzzy amelia jacq. We were halfway through our lunch at NYDC when vera just woke up lol -_-''' nice one vera hahaha.

We had a nice exercise when dear amelia wanted to bring us to arab street to eat some egyptian restaurant, but guess what, when we walked like DAMN far to it, it was closed. Apparently its closed on sundays haha.

I FINALLY found my germany JACKET at bugis adidas shop!!! WAHAHAHA damn happy (: I dont care, im going to buy it! Even if its $172 haha too desperate.

You're mine!

Ok i just realised its a bit lag but heres to my Singapore Flyer trip with karen and cheryl

They look so happy looking at something lol

Why dont you do something?

4:37 AM

JOEL the lunatic (:

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Ok so i screwed up. Who doesnt? Once in a while. But how can you expect someone who's nervous not to be careless or blur. Even better yet, someone who's totally inexperienced. Ok maybe i shouldnt have talked so much. Next time i'll just keep my mouth shut. I swear i wont make the dumb mistakes again. Since i didnt get the chance to say im sorry in person, saying here, im very sorry.

What a way to end a miserable day

5:02 AM

JOEL the lunatic (:

Sunday, October 19, 2008


To my dear friend who's oh so scared of frogs
To view the original photo click here

See, some can be cute too (:

Its pouring like crazy again. And ive been having diarrhoea for like the past 2 days. Irritating as hell.

Joel hopes its not another vicious cycle

12:43 AM

JOEL the lunatic (:

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Lol Ich habe Kopfschmerzen. Today is feeling blue day (: Everyone is entitled to one free frown per hour.

Been raining like shit for the past few days at work. Its gets irritating sometimes. PMS.

How high is the price of love

If love were standing in front of me and asked me: "What are you prepared to give for me?"
I dont know what I would say. Wait. Maybe I'd ask:" What have I dont to you? Why did you jerk me around like that?" And then I'd shake him till his thoughts get whirled around like mine do.

A storm in a glass of water.

And still, whatever happens and whoever sent my feelings to war, I still believe in the power of love. Maybe I'm stupid. Maybe naive. But maybe hope dies last. Even though my heart is lying in pieces on the ground right now and other people are dancig the samba on it, I can feel that in the end love will give me a chance. Its just that it's hard not to lose faith. Especially when love stabs you in the back, you will have doubts. Because love also hurts. But still...

It is the greatest of all feelings We give everything for love... Really, everything? Is that too high a price? Would we be prepared to pay for love with our lives? Yes! At least that's what someone wrote in a newspaper article:
*censored censored blah blah...
suffered through humiliation, prejudice and violence, because they love each other. It's worth no to let go, to fight, to believe. A great and true love will always win in the end. They are heroes in my eyes. They have proved: Love is made of courage.

If you're destined for each other, the world can end, but at least you're not alone. It's better to drown together than to burn alone. Love burns, but maybe that's only true when you love isn't big enough. Maybe sometimes you beliebe in the love of your life, even though they're not the one. Maybe out feelings are too small to ever become big enough so that you can go through everything together? Like those two did who kept true to their love against all odds, hand in hand.

I wish I could get my courage back to leave the past behind me. With renewed strength, without old wounds. That's why i let my sould write these words. Some day i will courageously laugh in the face of my fate, like they did!


So nice (: this is exactly why im in love with Verbotene Liebe. Ok i think i wrote enough copyright to last me for the rest of the year.

I need to wake up!

8:05 AM

JOEL the lunatic (:

Monday, October 13, 2008

Happy Birthday

A BIG happy birthday to my sister (: HAPPY 33! Nice number haha although you sure dont look 33.

Nothing interesting happening nowadays except for my sick addiction to (drugs... i wish) Verbotene Liebe! Dont know why but the storyline is killing me. Even if i watch it 10 times i think i still wont get bored haha maybe because its the fact that its in german.

Im now quasi-interested in german. Ich bin auf Deutsch interessiert (: I think its because of Christian and Oliver, whom im still crazy about by the way lol

Its gonna be a hectic week! Since im going to be playing for the POP next friday. Technically my "first" POP since i didnt have mine ): THANKS alot M** haha

Ich liebe die zwei Paare

OH and heres the poem that karen wrote back for me as promised (:
Joel is a boy
Who wished he has a decoy
He slacks around in police
As it is a breeze
He likes to play dota
And is quite IMBA
He thinks im quite funny
Which i just have to agree
Joel is skinny
But not until boney
He still lives in Boon Lay
It is so far away
I wish he'd stay with me
But he not enough money
He he so deprived
And dunno how to drive

HAHA thank you very much karen (:

8:15 AM

JOEL the lunatic (:

Saturday, October 11, 2008

My Dear Friend

This post is specially dedicated to my dear friend who has lost her way

She always seem so busy
Its making her hair go frizzy
She doesnt have alot of time
To spend with her friends so fine
The poor girl doesnt even know
What does the movie show
Poor Icelands' bankrupt and blue
And she doesnt even have a clue
I hope she gets better
I wish her well
I'll write her a letter
To tell her she's really swell

Haha that was totally original. P.S: She will marry anyone who smses her the news everyday!

I think im in love with Christian and Oliver HAHA

8:26 AM

JOEL the lunatic (:

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Going Nuts

Saw these jokes i thought were damn funny. Dont know why but i seem to enjoy reading alot of jokes nowadays haha.

Four men went on a hunting trip. The only hotel in the area is full, so they had to bunk 2 to a room.

No on wants to share with Joe because he snores, so the others decided to take turns.

The first man stays with Joe andcomes to breakfast the next morning with his hair a mess and his eyes bloodshot.

"What happened to you?" asked his friends.

"Joe snored so loudly I juts sat up and watched him all night," he moans.

The following evening, it is the second chap's turn. He looks awful the next morning.

"Oh,man, that Jow shakes the roof," he says.

"I sat up and watched him all night too."

The third night is Frank's turn, a burly ex-rugby player: a man's man.

Next morning he comes down to breakfast looking very fresh.

"Good morning," he says brightly.

The first two men are incredulous.

"Wow, what happened?"

"Well," says Frank

"We got ready for bed, I tucked Joe in, wished him sweet dreams, and kissed him on the forehead. He sat up and watched me all night."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Two Tourists were driving through Wales. They decided to stop for a bite to eat in the village of

This is the name of a real town!

Baffled by the name, one of them turns to a local and asks,

"Would you please say where we are - very slowly?"

The Welshman leans over and says, very slowly,

"Buurrr-geerrrr Kinnggg."


I got a new specs (: (: (: (: (: Dad was like complaining it was too ex. I brought him along just so that he can pay for me (: Its a bit tight. A bit sad i couldnt find one with a nice red frame. The ones on display which were red were hideous.

Watched 2 movies this week. House Bunny and Mama Mia. With Jon and James on thursday and Zhiwen and Zixin. Lol nice coincidence. House Bunny was actually very funny.Didnt know why alot of ppl didnt know about or watched the show.

Mama Mia was ok, lots and lots and LOTS of singing haha but the songs were all very nice, with a special one which Singapore "ripped" for its npd theme song lol.

Im going nuts
Stop irritating me
Im not interested
Go away
Leave me alone
Not you

4:01 AM

JOEL the lunatic (: