Going Nuts
Saw these jokes i thought were damn funny. Dont know why but i seem to enjoy reading alot of jokes nowadays haha.
Four men went on a hunting trip. The only hotel in the area is full, so they had to bunk 2 to a room.
No on wants to share with Joe because he snores, so the others decided to take turns.
The first man stays with Joe andcomes to breakfast the next morning with his hair a mess and his eyes bloodshot.
"What happened to you?" asked his friends.
"Joe snored so loudly I juts sat up and watched him all night," he moans.
The following evening, it is the second chap's turn. He looks awful the next morning.
"Oh,man, that Jow shakes the roof," he says.
"I sat up and watched him all night too."
The third night is Frank's turn, a burly ex-rugby player: a man's man.
Next morning he comes down to breakfast looking very fresh.
"Good morning," he says brightly.
The first two men are incredulous.
"Wow, what happened?"
"Well," says Frank
"We got ready for bed, I tucked Joe in, wished him sweet dreams, and kissed him on the forehead. He sat up and watched me all night."
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Two Tourists were driving through Wales. They decided to stop for a bite to eat in the village of
This is the name of a real town!
Baffled by the name, one of them turns to a local and asks,
"Would you please say where we are - very slowly?"
The Welshman leans over and says, very slowly,
"Buurrr-geerrrr Kinnggg."
I got a new specs (: (: (: (: (: Dad was like complaining it was too ex. I brought him along just so that he can pay for me (: Its a bit tight. A bit sad i couldnt find one with a nice red frame. The ones on display which were red were hideous.
Watched 2 movies this week. House Bunny and Mama Mia. With Jon and James on thursday and Zhiwen and Zixin. Lol nice coincidence. House Bunny was actually very funny.Didnt know why alot of ppl didnt know about or watched the show.
Mama Mia was ok, lots and lots and LOTS of singing haha but the songs were all very nice, with a special one which Singapore "ripped" for its npd theme song lol.
Im going nuts
Stop irritating me
Im not interested
Go away
Leave me alone
Not you