Alot of funny things had been happening lately haha. First, and the most classic, i must say, is 4 days ago. I went to a MacDonald's and said,"I'd like some fries." The girl at the counter replied,"Would you like some fries to go with that?"
Hahaha then i think the girl realised her mistake when the guy behind me was trying not to laugh out loud. LOL funny girl. Maybe MacDonalds taught their employees too well.
The training would go something like: Ok people, if a customer orders something, always try to sell them more, like "would you like some dessert or fries to go with that drink?"
Anyway the quote of the day
K: My iFriend is just as funny as me
J: Lol iFriend?? Wow a new technology from Apple
Lol maybe they'll come out iFriend Mini soon hahaha. Karen's friend just gave birth to a baby boy Justin. Damn cute. And i love that name. Im gonna name my kids James Justin Joshua (: and Cheryl if its a girl, and hope for the best haha.
Im deployed for the upcoming F1 race! Cant talk bout it much without compromising sensitive info. But if you see me in blue walking around the stands do say hi!
Sometimes i wonder
Why do i even bother
You're not my mother
I dont know what im finding
Maybe its just my timing
And im not purposely rhyming
Beautiful Sunday
Dunno why but I think this picture is serious damn nice
Funny Moments

Conductor with our resident plant with funny face haha

Miss Tay Zhiwen whom i just treated a haggendaz ice cream

My unglam/squat-anywhere-with-me partner