I wanna get fat! Haha been trying for 7 years and nothings been working. Let thy count thee ways thou hast tried.
- Eat MacDonalds for breakfast, lunch and dinner for 1 month straight?
Been There, Done That
Verdict: Failed
- Go Western Doctor to get check up if theres any worms or anything?
Been There, Done That
Verdict: Perfect health, extremely high metabolism
- Go Chinese Sensei for a disgusting herbal concoction
Been There, Done That
Verdict: Failed with an additional dislike for chinese medicine
- Spend hundreds of dollars buying protein and weight gainer powder
Been There, Drank That
Verdict: Failed with a significant deduction in assets
My body sucks la haha. If I can extract the genes controlling my metabolism and produce it in consumable pill forms and sell to people (especially girls), I'll be a billionaire lol. Eat as much as you want and not gain a single KG. Which girl wouldnt want that right (:
Anyway Im always glad its weekend. Time for me to catch me breath. Went out with James last night. That someone was suppose to have 2 free movie tickets that we can use to watch, but that someone conveniently forgot that his tickets were usable in Cathay only haha. So we ended up wasting our time meeting in Marina and went to The Cathay.
But then, we forgot to check the movie timings before we went there. So we missed the movie at 930 and the next one was at midnight lol. In the end we gave up and went to our usual haunting for watching movies, at PS GV.
Had 1 hour to kill before the movie started so slacked at MacCafe and took artistic shots haha

Watched Hancock. I didnt expect it to be so action packed. Although a bit too action packed for James. Someone claimed that the camera was shaking too much haha but i thought it was ok. Maybe you were thinking too much /brows haha. Or maybe its because after the bloody idiotic movie Cloverfield, every other shaky movie would be a mild roller coaster ride for me haha.
Joel is a Bilingual Boy
with Bilateral relations
with his Binoculars
-James ChinOOOOOO
Suppose to eat supper, but someone couldnt even walk straight anymore haha so James went home leaving me stranded. Why stranded? Because i forgot to top up my ezlink card and someone forgot to remind me haha. It was already 130am, and all the MRT stations were already locked up.
Lucky i remembered that 7/11 can top up ezlink cards. I had exactly $10.15 in my wallet, and when the guy pressed the cash register for $10.30 i was literally like this o.O' haha. I asked if i could use nets but cannot. Then i told him i only had $10.15, then he said never mind. What a kind soul haha i would have gotten his name if i wasnt too embarrassed holding up the line.
Anyway James thank you a gazillion times over for the pictures you took in camp (: go and take more ok?
Ignorance is bliss
Being ignored is not