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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I have no mood to blog
too tired doing absolutely nothing at home
i hate CNY

6:40 AM

JOEL the lunatic (:

Friday, January 16, 2009

Joel spent the day before his birthday working until 7am

Joel spent his birthday visiting the hospital 4 times

Joel is going to spend his birthday sleeping the whole day

Joel is no longer a teenager
Joel is tired of making the same wish every year
Wishes never come true



I need sleep.

10:00 AM

JOEL the lunatic (:

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Sleepless in Singapore

The SPF band concert is finally over! 1 month of hard work (hardly one month, and hardly hard) has paid? off i guess. At least theres no more stress for me anymore, for about a few more months at least i hope...

Yong carrot and skinny pork came to watch plus mama, speaking of mama shes damn cute.

I was asking her the night before "MA wheres my thumbdrive" and she replied me "他母drive? 什么是他母drive? 我没看过。" lol DAMN cute (:

Anyway karen was crazy over ronny, calling him the flugel horn player aka hornist lol. Ok besides that nothing else interesting happened except that i totally panicked when i was putting on my tail-coat for the first time that i fasten the sleeve button accidentally on my chest button lol

Pictures pictures pictures

Pre-concert pictures

Looks terrible wrong

Same person looks terrible wrong again haha

Us giving someone a sad face because its someone's last performance before he ORD

My dear good lucky and health mama (:

My dear yong (:


Post-concert photos

The PAINI classic poses again:

Ed Verbatim

Carrot and skinny pork

Act sian

The molestation starts here

The EVIL pork

Crashed NTU the same night. Stayed at carrot and skinny pork's hall. They zonked out at 12 plus while yong and i stayed up til 4am watching what i hate most ):

I am so horrorfied watching stupid horror movies with yong lol. But actually wasnt very scary. Room 1408 was a disappointment as a horror movie. I was only mildly scared (although he wouldnt say the same given my amount of hand-covering-eyes lol)

We were whispering ghost stories (which someone was eavesdropping) til 4 before we zonked as well.

I can safely say im never entering business. After crashing pork's lecture me carrot yong were bored stiff until we had to entertain ourselves with drawings and games lol.

Had freaking cool french today (: changed teachers changed class. Me and aaron missed the first lesson, so we embarrassed ourselves trying to find our classroom. We went to 3 different ones before realising we were looking at the wrong signs. Embarrassing.

Theres finally something in french that motivates me to go there after work now (:

I see your truuuuueeee coooolours shiiiining through
Lean pork must protect fat pork from carrot's sarporking/sarpaining/breathing
hee hee..

7:08 AM

JOEL the lunatic (:

Monday, January 5, 2009


Here's what made me smile today (:

5:21 AM

JOEL the lunatic (:

Friday, January 2, 2009

Mind Over Matter

Ok i came to realise i have absolutely zero brain. I think i need additional brains for secondary thinking and brain functions. Im happy to have accquired 3 new brains last night to stop me from banging into a pole, banging into a pillar, and pushing me in one direction (:

I shall use pork's suggestion and just stop. See if that works.

Finally finished the bloody Blaze last night, which was quite surprising nothing cocked up. I'll upload the video if i manage to get my hands on it.

Pictures from the last days of 2008

Before drinking (normal)

After drinking (dead)


Pronounced dead

Luckily someone was more dead than me this time (:


You've made your point

7:17 PM

JOEL the lunatic (:

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Crap Year

Its a new year. Its suppose to be a brand new start. So why do i feel like shit. Im really tired of acting. I dont really care anymore.

No... thats a lie. I still do.

As much as i dont want to, i cant. As much as i want to say it, i cant.

This is seriously the time where i really need a backspace/rewind/time machine. Someone turn the clock for me.

On a slightly lighter note, SYCO ppl came my house to wreck havoc on NYE. Nothing much to say, besides i got drunk (again). Some pictures and tonnes of videos which i probably wont really be looking forward to watch. I need sleep..

Happy 2009 to all

Not everything is implicit
I need it to be plicit
Eyes and ears are useless
I still dont understand

8:02 AM

JOEL the lunatic (:

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

VJCO Chalet

Its really one chalet after another! But this time i came back as a casualty. I'm as RED as a lobster! Thanks to someone's suggestion of going wild wild wet at 12am (xiangle dont 冤枉 me i didnt suggest, i just seconded the idea hee hee..)

Lots of things again, but here's just the snippets:

Day 1 swimming

Getting Gang Raped

Getting Raped

The Stick Substitute

Bowling story:
1st game, still warming up (poses)

2nd game warmed up pose, on fire

Then kena strike
The smuge face after strike

But too bad i still won (: hee hee..
With some last minute lucky strike and the blessed 14lbs ball
Day 2 swimming/wild wild wet (BURNT)

Here's a teaser/trailer to The Chronicles of Cephia. Never stand behind her when bowling. You'll never know when the ball will roll back and hit you. Becareful of her cue stick when playing pool. You'll never know when it will hit you (or herself).

And of course, many thanks to the dear medic who injured his patient (: the toe and the rides cancel out the sleeping and blanket ok? PEACE hee hee..

I'm sooooorry

8:54 AM

JOEL the lunatic (: