The EVIL pork
Crashed NTU the same night. Stayed at carrot and skinny pork's hall. They zonked out at 12 plus while yong and i stayed up til 4am watching what i hate most ):
I am so horrorfied watching stupid horror movies with yong lol. But actually wasnt very scary. Room 1408 was a disappointment as a horror movie. I was only mildly scared (although he wouldnt say the same given my amount of hand-covering-eyes lol)
We were whispering ghost stories (which someone was eavesdropping) til 4 before we zonked as well.
I can safely say im never entering business. After crashing pork's lecture me carrot yong were bored stiff until we had to entertain ourselves with drawings and games lol.
Had freaking cool french today (: changed teachers changed class. Me and aaron missed the first lesson, so we embarrassed ourselves trying to find our classroom. We went to 3 different ones before realising we were looking at the wrong signs. Embarrassing.
Theres finally something in french that motivates me to go there after work now (:
I see your truuuuueeee coooolours shiiiining through
Lean pork must protect fat pork from carrot's sarporking/sarpaining/breathing
hee hee..